
Key To Coherence


The key to coherence is the result of the integration of scientific disciplines such as  mathematics, physics, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, biophysics, thermodynamics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, music, sacred geometry with the science of spirituality, the science of consciousness and most importantly the science of love.

It is a key because it opens the door to the world of infinite and thus endless possibilities that exist in the informational field commonly referred to as the universe. The informational field is all around us, and it is through resonance that we can access information from it through the process of thinking. Thoughts are not in our brain nor our nervous system. Thoughts are found in the informational field and we decode them through our sensory system that acts as an antenna. It includes the integumentary system, which is made up of the skin, the hair, the teeth, the nails, the eye brows and the eye lashes as well as the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. Both systems derive embryologically from the ectoderm. Therefore, the skin and hair as well as the brain are sensory organs whereby their function could be compared to that of antennas. These structures sense environmental changes that come into the body from the informational field through signals from the macro and micro cosmos.

Lao Tze (6000 BC) shared his wisdom through the following statement:

What is Coherence?

Coherence is the flow of information from the intention, to the purpose and from the purpose to the meaning or significance. In other words, every what (intention) has a what for (purpose), and a why (significance), that leads to congruency. Coherence is enforced by truthfulness, honesty, transparency, integrity, and it is weakened and blocked by betrayal, lies, misrepresentation, self-sabotage, and toxic relationships, at a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

The intention, purpose and significance which allow for the expression of coherence or lack of coherence (incoherence), are of electromagnetic nature, resulting in frequencies or cycles per second, Hertz (Hz), that can be measured and monitored by electro encephalography (EEG), electro cardiography (ECG) and the heart rate in beats per minute (BPM).

The ultimate expression of coherence results in congruency, which is the result of unification of energy through harmony.

The result of the collapse of the electromagnetic wave equation is the formation of a vortex where the frequency of the intention, the purpose and the significance meet in one point as they share the same frequency, this is the point of congruency. This point was named by Albert Einstein Zero Point Energy and it is related to the General Theory of Relativity that he developed. In Mathematics it is called an inflection point. In cosmology this is what allows a black hole to form due to the collapse of a galaxy that ends up as a nebula and then a black hole.

In other words, the flow that brings what you think, what you say, and what you do in line with harmony.   

When Coherence is united with Congruence, a zero point emerges, where a vortex is born.  The energy of the vortex can make everything change in a moment. 

In this way communication is generated that makes it possible for everything to connect with everything, through a matrix that Albert Einstein called Space-Time, where everything is related to the whole. Erwin Schrödinger called this natural phenomenon entanglement. 

Coherence is the flow of information that occurs within an energy quantum field. That is, an area that distributes energy efficiently using the least amount of effort to obtain the maximum amount of benefit based on intention and love.

According to Science Alert .com

“Quantum entanglement occurs when two particles become inextricably linked, and whatever happens to one immediately affects the other, regardless of how far apart they are.”

“They are interacting and – for a brief moment – sharing physical states.”

Paul-Antoine Moreau, stated that entanglement is “an elegant demonstration of a fundamental property of nature”.

What is the Key to Coherence and How does it Work?

The Key to Coherence is an energy transducer capable of taking information from the informational field, also referred to as “the universe or cosmos,” collapsing electromagnetic waves to form vortices. To do so, the key has four pyramids in the shape of antennas. These pyramids represent the four basic components of a coherent system.

Coherence is the free flow of information among its four components: The Intention (What), the Purpose (What for), the Meaning or Significance (Why) that result in Congruency (How).  When we are coherent, the intention that comes from a thought needs to have a purpose.  So, the purpose of having access to the informational field, is to allow thoughts to come into our world, our existence and our life to generate a feeling through sensation. Lao Tze a Chinese philosopher from the 6th Century BC, used the process of integration to link energy and matter.  One of his poems illustrates this process:

Benefits of Using
The Key To Coherence

Create a Quantum Energy Field

The word quantum comes from the Latin quantum which means quantity, i.e. how much. It is also applied in Physics to describe the minimum amount of energy emitted by the pockets of light called quanta which are photons. When talking about the quantum energy field, the word quantum in this sense, refers to the minimum amount of energy needed to start any biophysical and biochemical process, in order to bring sustainability to any biological system, through homeo-dynamism.

For Women:
When carrying the Key to Coherence on the upper left quadrant of the chest above or next to the heart, with the face of congruency pointing towards the heart, the resulting quantum energy field resonates with every part of the heart. This allows for a quantum energy field to be established.

For Men:
Men can carry The Key to Coherence inside the left hand pocket of a shirt, or on the left pocket of trousers, or it can be worn from a chain or string long enough to fit comfortably in the middle of the chest, roughly above the thymus gland, (women may like to place it in the same area).
This also allows for a quantum field to be established.

The Key can be used to create quantum fields of energy in your home, car, mobile phone, computers and laptops. You can energise everything around you, such as elements of the environment you live in including, people, animals, plants, water, meals etc.


Coherence + Congruence = Harmony

About Dr. Carlos

BSc, MSc, ND, MD, PhD, DrHr, FPAMS

Dr Carlos Orozco has chosen to become a researcher and a world class speaker and leader with his background as a scientist. He has focused his lectures on Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, Orthomolecular and Integrative Medicine.

Carlos holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Experimental Biology majoring in Biochemistry and Biophysics, he holds a master’s degree in Immunology, a PhD in Biochemistry and Reproductive Immunology with Postdoctoral Fellowships. He studied and specialised in Reproductive Biology, Reproductive Medicine and in Gynecological Oncology. He became a naturopath specialising in Clinical Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The Science Of Love

Thoughts are formed in the informational field and become ours when we pay attention to them and focus on them to set an intention with purpose and significance.  This allows for their integration through congruency in our life.

When coherence induces congruency, everything flows freely in our lives without forcing anything. The flow is the course that energy follows through the path of least resistance. This allows for efficiency and sustainability in our life.  This is investing the minimum amount of energy to get the maximum benefit and best outcome.

All this is possible because of the power of intention based on love. Love is the most powerful energy that is the answer to all our needs.

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