How To Use The

Key To Coherence Card

Place The Key To Coherence In Front Of The Object

To energise water for example, place the Key to Coherence in front of the glass of water or bottle for a few seconds. The side of the Key showing the 4 pyramids needs to face you and the side of Key with the hearts needs to face the water.

Place the Key to Coherence above and below the water for a few seconds. This same technique is used for people, animals, food or any other object.

Increase Absorption of Nutrients

This video on the right shows what happens when a banana is cut in half and is tested for nitrates. The half banana which has not been energised with the Key measures at 60 and the other half of the banana which has been energised with the Key shows a nitrate level of 16. Nitrate levels increase proportionate to the length of time the fruit or vegetable has been picked. Therefore the lower the nitrate level, the better it is for our health.

Focus on Where or Whom you wish to send your Energy and Intention

All you need to do is place the Key to Coherence in front of the person or thing you wish to send energy to for a few seconds whilst you set your intention.

Your intention propels the energy to flow from the informational field (the Universe) to the person or object you wish to energise via resonance.

Congruency side

The side of the key with the hearts on it (Congruency) is the side that faces your body when you are carrying it on your person.

When you wish to energise someone or something or wish to set an intention, the heart side is the side that faces the person or object.  For example to wave over food and water to energize it, and also to create an energy field on electronic devices, bedrooms, houses or blocks of land.

Coherence side

The Coherence side has the 4 pyramids and always faces you unless you are wearing the Key on your person, for example in your pocket.

Coherence is the flow of energy through information between the intention (What), the purpose (What for), and the significance (Why) of our actions; the flow that brings what you think, what you say and what you do in line with harmony.

How to Create a Quantum Field using the Key to Coherence

Please use the Key to Coherence with an intention, charged with love and gratitude.

Energy Field

You can also form an energy field on the floor, your computer, mobile, phone or around a photo of someone or something.

You can use four adhesive labels. They could be 4 pieces of sticky tape, 4 bottles of water, or 4 adhesive stickers. They are to be placed in each corner of the room, edges of phone or computer monitor. You need to place the first two diagonally across from each other (labelled 1 and 2 in the diagram). Once done, place the Key to Coherence above the first sticker with the pyramids facing you and the hearts facing the sticker. By doing this you are energising a straight line. Then, place the other two stickers on the other two corners of the room, mobile, phone or computer monitor (labelled as 3 and 4 in the diagram). They need to form 4 x 90 degree angles. You only need to energise the first one. The other 3 are energised by resonance from the first one. The diagram below will assist you in their placing.

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