what is the

Key To Coherence

How does it work?

The Key to Coherence is an energy transducer capable of taking information from the informational field, also referred to as “the universe or cosmos,” collapsing electromagnetic waves to form vortices. To do so, the key has four pyramids in the shape of antennas. These pyramids represent the four basic components of a coherent system.

Coherence is the free flow of information among its four components: The Intention (what), the Purpose (What for), the Meaning or Significance (Why) that result in Congruency (How). When we are coherent the intention that comes from a thought, needs to have a purpose.  So, the purpose of having access to the informational field, is to allow thoughts to come into our world, our existence and our life to generate a feeling through sensation. Lao Tze a Chinese philosopher from the 6th Century BC, used the process of integration to link energy and matter. One of his poems illustrates this process:

In other words, our thoughts have the potential of changing the way we live our individual lives.

“Your thoughts dictate where your emotions go. Your emotions will back any thought you think. The more time you spend thinking about something, the more your thoughts become emotionally charged” – Shakira Maria

Thoughts become ours when we pay attention to them and thus focus on them, followed by setting intentions with purpose and significance that allow for their integration through congruency in our life. Thoughts are found and spread as energy in the informational field. Our body has the capacity to attract thoughts due to a sensory system based on antennas such as our skin, hair, heart and brain. That means thoughts are not confined to any of these structures. Neurosurgeons open brains surgically, and yet none of them has ever seen a thought in a brain. Our nervous system (brain and nerves) as well as our integumentary system (skin, hair, eye lashes, eyebrows, teeth and nails) are derived from a common structure called the ectoderm which forms during the process of becoming an embryo. Therefore, they are part of our sensory system.

We respond to environmental signals that come from the informational field. The Key To Coherence can pick up information from this field, through the pyramids on the Key which represent the intention, the purpose and significance to manifest coherence, due to their integration and then it uses such coherence to express congruency.

When coherence induces congruency, everything flows freely in our lives without forcing anything. The flow is the course that energy follows through the path of least resistance. This allows for efficiency and sustainability in our life, investing the minimum amount of energy to get the maximum benefit and best outcome. All this is possible because of the power of setting an intention based on love, the most powerful energy that is the answer to all our needs.

The Key To Coherence Energises Water Cystals

Energise your water.  Dr Carlos is a Hado Instructor at the famous Hado Institute in Tokyo. Below is a picture of a water crystal before being energised with The Key to Coherence and after being energised with The Key to Coherence.

Photo taken by Hiro Emoto at the Hado Institute in February 2019 in Tokyo Japan.

Orozco C. 2019. Coherence the Integration of Energy.  Mahatma Editorial. 2nd Edition.

The Key To Coherence’ Amazing Replication

This amazing plant replicating the heart configurations in the Key, grew after making a quantum field on the land using the Key to Coherence!

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